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Stand-up Straight project

Stand-up Straight project

Vera Caslavska Foundation is preparing the pilot phase of our Stand Up Straight project. The main objective is to teach preschool-age children in nursery schools (between the ages of 5-7) a set of exercises. A daily regimen of exercise will instill the habit of good posture in children even before they start attending school or begin organized sport activity. 

The exercise routine has been prepared by leading physical therapists. Trained therapists will teach school children (and teachers) the Stand Up Straight routine.

The long-term goal is to spread the routine to all preschools in the Czech Republic. We strive to teach children and pedagogical staffs, and believe that even their parents and grandparents will learn the routine and thereby encourage Czechs to Stand Up Straight in connection with the name of the most successful female Czech athlete Vera Caslavska. 

The initial phase of the program involves the support of the ČEZ Foundation and their Helping Move (EPP) mobile App.

Věra Čáslavská

For the individual who is willing to take the risk and confront the world with courage, a huge reward awaits.

The reward is SELF-ESTEEM.

Věra Čáslavská, Život na Olympu